Welcoming your little one home is an experience like no other. Through all these new moments, a newborn care specialist can help you feel more at ease and well rested. With gentleness and genuine compassion, I am here to ensure your baby’s well being and family tranquility one day at a time.

Assistance includes:

  • Bottle feeding

  • Breastmilk storage or formula prep

  • Diapering, dressing, and swaddling baby

  • Sanitizing bottles and breast pumps

  • Nursery organization

  • Infant laundry

  • Support for babies with gas, reflux, and slow weight gain

  • Setting a foundation for healthy sleep habits

  • Nursing support for the breastfeeding parent

  • Newborn care education for parents


Daytime (7am-7pm)


Overnights (7pm-7am)


Price varies based on travel requirements, complexity of care, and length of contract.

Newborn sleep shaping

Rest is vital to your child’s development, and your wellness as a parent. I offer you the tools and confidence to establish healthy sleep from the early weeks and beyond.


0-3 Months Sleep Guide

  • What to expect of your newborn’s sleep, development, sleep safety, and how to set up for succesful sleep as they transition out of the newborn stage.


Day or overnight child care

I offer date nights and overnight care for children of all ages.


Date Nights/Occasional Sitting

$25 /hr for 1 child

$27/hr for 2 children

$30/hr for 3 children


$150 flat rate (8 hours)

Hourly charges apply for shifts before bedtime or after morning wake-up.

“parenting is the art of cultivating a garden, where the flowers of a child’s potential can unfold in the most beautiful and unique way.”

-Lauren Williams