Why I became an NCS
My Personal Story
(TW: Birth trauma/Infant loss)
I was born by emergency c-section 13 weeks too early, along with a twin brother—at 1 pound and a few ounces. Though we were both extremely fragile, my brother had more complications and unfortunately did not make it past a few weeks.
This was the first birth story I’d ever heard, and would hear again and again from the perspective of my grandparents, aunts, and of course, my mother.
In my sophomore year of high school, I decided I was going to be a neonatologist so I could help other NICU families like mine. Yet, after one health science class, I decided medicine was not the path for me.
The following year I took the class where you get to take a pretend baby home—for the second time. The fact that I was excited to wake up with the “baby” in the middle of the night, should’ve been a clear sign that I was going to end up where I am now.
I then took a teaching internship, working with kindergarteners the first semester and third graders the second. I really loved the littles, but I also learned I probably didn’t want to be a public school teacher either. Fast forward a few years later, around 18 or 19 I was like most of us at that age (or let’s be honest..at several points in our lives). Trying to figure out where I was meant to be or what my calling was. I always knew that I wanted my career to have a sense of purpose—I just didn’t know what.
After a long week of monotonous department store work, I met with a cousin for lunch. She noticed me smiling at a baby at the table across us, and the baby intently peeking back. My cousin said, “Lauren, you’re like a magnet for kids. Why don’t you work with them?” That question was a huge lightbulb moment and the beginning of my child-focused career.
The Journey Begins
In 2019, after a few child development semesters at City College I started working as a Montessori daycare teacher. It was an incredible learning experience, and I loved getting to know so many unique parents and children. I was constantly getting this gut feeling, or bursts of excitement that translated into “this is where you belong”. Though this was the case for a while, after years of juggling several children at a time, I started to wish I could pour more directly into each family.
This led me becoming a private provider in early 2023. I found an incredible family with two sweet boys and started gaining my footing as a nanny. I loved the flexibility to plan our day and give personalized attention to each child’s needs.
During this time, I decided to continue my education and came across the term Newborn Care Specialist. I had no idea what it was at the time, but after learning more I took the certification course, and my excitement grew. Before I knew it, when I wasn’t with my regular nanny family I was getting all the experience I could in newborn positions.
What The Future Holds
I plan to continue working with families as an NCS and soon-to-be postpartum doula. NCS work has shown me how new parents are equally as in need of care as their babies, and I am considering adding postpartum cooking and recovery support to my services. I am especially interested in learning to support preemie and NICU families who face unique challenges like my own family did.
Bridging the gap in an area where so many parents go unheard is why I do this. We shower pregnant people with love and items, and then when the baby is here we expect them to bounce back and get back to work. I hope to serve as a reminder that the birth and postpartum experience is sacred and deserves love, compassion, time to adjust, and well-intentioned guidance.
Practical self care for new, single, & seasoned moms
Motherhood takes a lot of sacrifice. In addition to the responsibilities of daily life—it’s easy to feel like you’re pouring from an empty cup. My hope behind this post is for all moms to find a sense of normalcy, connection, and peace during the ever-changing seasons of motherhood.
For new moms
Why self-care matters:
Physical Recovery: Pregnancy, labor, and birth put high demand on the body. It takes time to heal.
Emotional Health: Hormonal changes, combined with sleep deprivation and adjustment to this new phase can be overwhelming. A self care plan can help prevent burnout.
Bonding with your baby, partner, and older children can be better supported when you have the bandwidth to do so, and are well taken care of.
Steps to creating a plan:
Identify your needs
What do you think you’ll need the most postpartum?
A first time parent may need emotional support, reassurance, and time to process their birth experience.
A third time parent may be looking for practical help; like someone to help with household tasks or get older siblings ready and off to school.
Considering these additional circumstances might help you figure out where and what type of support you’re looking for:
-Whether you have a cesarean birth or vaginal birth
-How you plan to feed your baby
-If you’re a single parent or partnered
-If you anticipate a NICU stay after birth
-If you have a preexisting mental health challenge
-Whether you have a strong support system, or if support is limited
Build your support team
-Partner/Family: Discuss specific ways they can help, like handling night feedings or household tasks. Explaining to them what they should expect after baby can help everyone be on the same page about boundaries and responsibilities. Extended family can be supportive, however they can also be intrusive. Their level of involvement needs to be discussed in a way that is sensitive to everyone’s feelings.
-Postpartum Professional: Consider hiring a postpartum doula or newborn care specialist (NCS). A postpartum doula provides holistic care for mom, family, and baby. Different doulas have a range of specializations, so not all will offer the same services. For example, a sibling doula can assist you during and after birth by focusing on the needs and emotions of older siblings; while other doulas may have a focus on providing nutrition or supporting your physical recovery. If you’re looking for someone specializing in infant care and development, an NCS can offer guidance while also taking hands on care for baby.
-Friends: Create a list of trusted friends who can run errands, bring meals, or just listen. Maintaining healthy friendships can offer a sense of normalcy during a time of constant change.
Stay Nourished
-Cook and stock your freezer with meals you can easily reheat. Use a slow cooker or crock pot for hands-off cooking.
-Prioritize fiber rich foods that are easy to digest in the first few weeks postpartum.
-Leave snacks and water bottles around your home so you have easy access. One handed snacks like cheese sticks, trail mix, and granola bars
Include Mental Health Care
-Consider support groups if you’re feeling isolated. Even if you’re nervous to get out after baby, community can be a refreshing and validating in an experience that sometimes feels lonely.
-If you experience persistent sadness, anxiety, anger, obsessive thoughts, or paranoia reach out to someone you trust. Consider seeing a professional that specializes in perinatal mental health. Check the resources at the bottom of this post for hotlines, warm-lines, and support groups.
Incorporate Small Joys
-Add little things to your day that make you feel good. Sunlight, open windows, a favorite book, snack, or a cozy blanket can help to get through a rough day.
-A warm shower without interruptions
-Skin-to-skin cuddles with your baby
For single moms and moms of older children
Tap into the Community
Look for local organizations offering support for single parents. Mommy and me, play groups, library events, and homeschooling groups can be a great way to meet other parents.
Streamline Tasks
Use delivery services for essentials or have a trusted person pick up grocery orders.
Batch prep meals. If you’re pregnant it’s best to do this before baby arrives. If you already have multiple, or older children use weekends to meal prep and make the week ahead less stressful.
Schedule “Quiet Time” for Older Kids
Set aside a block of time for them to do an independent activity. Reading, coloring, stickers, building blocks, toy cars—anything that keeps their attention for a while so you can do your own thing nearby.
Move your body
Whether it’s walking, yoga, stretching, or dancing—it’s likely your little ones are happy to join you in any kind of movement.
San diego resources
Pelvic Floor Therapy/Cesarean Recovery
Www.mypt2go.com (Includes male pelvic floor therapy)
Www.birthingbyheart.com (Belly binding, vaginal steam, postpartum cooking)
Movement/Physical Wellness
Www.drlizchiro.com (Holistic chiropractic care for moms & babies)
Breathe Fitness by Robin Naughton (Home visits and in-studio postpartum fitness)
Www.sarahfeinsteincmt.com (Prenatal and postpartum massage)
Www.yesyogalove.com (Baby yoga + me, free postpartum support group)
Mental Health
San Diego Access & Crisis—Suicide prevention (800-479-3339)
San Diego Postpartum Health Alliance— www.postpartumhealthalliance.org—Warmline. English & Spanish (1800-944-4773)
National Maternal Health Hotline. Call or Text in English & Spanish. Interpreter service available. 24/7. Free and confidential— (1-833-852-6262)
Center for Community Solutions—Relationship and sexual violence—www.ccssd.org
National Crisis Hotline—Text HOME to 741741 anytime about any type of crisis.
Www.therapyforcaliforniamoms.com (Virtual therapy)
Www.imaginetherapyca.com (Individual therapy and postpartum wellness groups)
Www.motherthrivetherapy.com (Pregnancy, postpartum, birth trauma, medically complex kids, infertility and loss therapy)
Www.nurturebeyondbirth.com (Birth and postpartum coaching, self-care practices and community support)
Birth and Postpartum Doulas
Www.kanibiordoula.com (Labor support, meal prep, birth recovery support, infant care)
Www.birthwithblaise.com (Birth & postpartum planning workshops, sibling preparation, experienced with single parents)
Www.newmothercaregiving.com (Free e-book on post birth recovery meal planning. Birth doula, Ayurvedic postpartum care, massage, belly binding, birth classes)
Www.sandiegolactation.com (Lactation, pumping, weaning, bereavement)
Sharp Mary Birch New Beginnings Boutique (Lactation consultants work in the gift shop)
San Diego Breastfeeding Center
Www.borntoblossom.com (Office & home visits)
Www.babygartenstudio.com (Free breastfeeding support group, Baby sign, baby massage, and baby yoga classes)
Child Safety
Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) Callie Kalinyuk—Car seat installation and harnessing safety. Private appointments or at Rady’s twice per month—(760-679-9319) or yalublutaksi@gmail.com
Homeschooling Moms Group
Wildandfree.org (Nature outings, book clubs, play groups & more)
Rethinking your Baby Registry: Postpartum Support
How adding postpartum support can be a registry game-changer.
Picture this: You’re holding your sweet new baby, surrounded by piles of baby gear, onesies, and gadgets you’re not sure how to assemble. And yet, all you really need in that moment is someone to hand you a snack, reassure you that you’re doing a great job, and maybe explain why your baby suddenly decided that sleep is optional.
The truth is, while all the cute stuff on your registry looks great in the photos, what parents really need in those first weeks is support. In this post we’ll show you how to rethink your registry; where it’s less about toys and more about taking care of you.
Why you should put postpartum support on your registry
The reality of the postpartum period is that it’s just as much about your recovery and adjustment as it is about caring for your baby.
Baby gadgets and toys can feel like a necessity, but most of them won’t even get used in the first few months. Newborns don’t need much beyond food, comfort, and sleep (and in all honesty, that last one is debatable).
What parents need is help—someone to hold the baby so they can rest, walk them through a feeding challenge, or simply remind them that they’re not alone.
What postpartum support looks like
-Lactation Counseling: Help with breastfeeding, pumping, or combination feeding; ensuring your baby is getting the nutrition they need and you feel confident in your feeding choices.
-Newborn Care Specialist: Hands-on-support with baby, experts in sleep routines, soothing techniques, and general baby care.
-Postpartum Doula: Supporting household tasks, emotional well-being, postpartum healing, and baby care.
-Mental Health Support: Access to counselors or therapists specializing in postpartum well being.
-Meal Delivery/Meal Train: Have nutritious meals delivered, or ask friends and family to prepare a few meals so you can focus on your recovery.
Making it Happen
Adding support to your registry is simpler than you might think. Many services now offer gift cards, cash funds, or packages that can be included in registries like Babylist and BeHerVillage. Here are some tips for making the case to friends and family:
Explain the benefits: Share how postpartum support will help your family thrive so they understand why it’s important.
Make it specific: Include clear options like “Newborn Care Specialist Package” or “Meal Deliveries”on your registry.
Combine gifts: Suggest group gifting for larger services, so multiple loved ones can pitch in together.
How to add cash funds on Babylist
Add my newborn care services to your baby registry through BeHerVillage!